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“Makin’ Voldemort look like a children’s birthday entertainer”

– Stian Blipp

Watch Hedné Perform on Television for Millions of American Viewers

“The show itself, with card tricks – was magical! He captivated everyone, and we were left thinking – ‘Whaaaat?! – what just happened?’ It was discussed after the show, and when we met again at work on Monday.”

Hege Rød

“Thank you for the successful performance by Hedné. He took the audience by storm! He had us all fooled from the moment he arrived until he left! The magic was of the highest quality!”

Ossie Nordgreen
Managing Director, Spesialgrossisten

«Definitely recommend going to his shows! I loved his interactions with us and was mesmerized by every single one of his tricks! Please come back!»

Judy Chen
Leader, Taiwanese Student Association


Hedné is the 2017 Norwegian champion in stage magic and is known from numerous television appearances both domestically and internationally. With his psychological illusions, he has captivated audiences worldwide, from San Diego to Stockholm and Shanghai!

Whether mingling with close-up magic among guests during aperitifs, performing a full show of mentalism and mind reading from the stage, serving as a master of ceremonies throughout the evening, or delivering an inspiring and informative lecture – Hedné always delivers performances characterized by high quality that your guests will remember for a long time.