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“Makin’ Voldemort look like a children’s birthday entertainer”

– Stian Blipp

Watch Hedné Perform on Television for Millions of American Viewers

“Fantastically skilled, funny, and incredibly dexterous. Truly something to recommend further. Not a boring moment and genuinely irritating how completely he fooled us!”

Janiche Bull Pettersen
Norwegian Electric Systems

“Each time has Hedné performed I was blown away by his technical complexity, engaging manner, and overall show design and execution. 10/10, would strongly recommend! Enjoyable on all levels from amateur magician down to small children. Even if you think you’re a savvy person, parts of this show will leave you wondering if magic is actually real.”

James Minor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Hedné was a breath of fresh air throughout the evening, first up close during the aperitif and then as master of ceremonies with magic along the way. He is funny and absolutely impressive, but be prepared for some frustration when you can’t figure out how he does it!”

Maike Jensen


Hedné is the 2017 Norwegian champion in stage magic and is known from numerous television appearances both domestically and internationally. With his psychological illusions, he has captivated audiences worldwide, from San Diego to Stockholm and Shanghai!

Whether mingling with close-up magic among guests during aperitifs, performing a full show of mentalism and mind reading from the stage, serving as a master of ceremonies throughout the evening, or delivering an inspiring and informative lecture – Hedné always delivers performances characterized by high quality that your guests will remember for a long time.